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昨日 (※11日、日本時間12日朝) 開催されたスーパーボウルは、米国における大規模なTV販売シーズンの終わりを告げるものであり、大手ブランドは例年通り、売上獲得のため最後の追い込みをかけた。ブラックフライデーではローエンドの低価格帯モデルが特別価格で提供されるが、対照的に、スーパーボウルの週末にTVを買う人はプレミアムモデルに偏っている。新しく買ったTVを家族や友人が集まって開くスーパーボウルパーティでお披露目したい人も多いからだ。
2024 Super Bowl TV Deals Bring New All-Time Lows
The Super Bowl, held yesterday, marks the end of the big selling season for TVs in the US, and as usual the top brands made a final push for sales. In contrast with Black Friday, where the low-end Opening Price Point models have special deals, the Super Bowl weekend TV shopper skews towards the premium models, because often the intent is to show off the new TV purchase to family and friends with a Super Bowl party.
Two months ago, we included a story on 2023 Black Friday TV deals. With the TV market sluggish, Black Friday 2023 saw many new all-time low prices on both low-end and premium TVs. The first table here shows a comparison of Super Bowl prices with last year’s Black Friday for the lowest-priced TV sets at each screen size.
The deals which represent all-time lows for this screen size category are in underlined bold italics. In many cases, Walmart (WM) and Best Buy (BBY) have similar prices. Often, WM undercuts BBY by $2-$3, so for example, WM may price at $1197 compared to BBY at $1199, but these cases are labeled with both retailers.
With the exception of the largest sizes, prices across most screen sizes are the same or higher. Best Buy’s offer of an 85” Hisense TV for only $699 represents an all-time low for that screen size, and Best Buy also broke new ground by promoting the 98” TCL TV for the first time; that TV had a list price of $4999 before the promotion, but Super Bowl week buyers could take it for $2499 including free installation.
Our second table here shows price comparisons for some premium sets. By “premium” in this case, this still means the lowest priced set for each combination of brand/screen size/technology. Here again, there were no new all-time lows in the smaller screen sizes, with the first such record low at 65” for LG’s MiniLED 8K TV and for Samsung’s QD-OLED TV.
At the larger screen sizes, there were several all-time lows in the premium category, including the Samsung 77” QD-OLED TV for only $1799 (I purchased a 65” QD-OLED TV a year ago for $1999). Also remarkable on this list is that we see Best Buy including the Samsung 110” MicroLED TV for “only” $150,000. If you can afford that TV, you can probably afford to go to the game!
It’s clear that these promotions have targeted consumers who want to make a statement with a big new TV for the Super Bowl. Since panel prices have increased compared to a year ago, these prices likely will not be repeated before next year’s selling season.