季刊 MiniLEDバックライト技術、コスト&出荷調査レポートの分析ハイライト

Published April 18, 2022

DSCCが Quarterly MiniLED Backlight Technology, Cost and Shipment Report (一部実データ付きサンプルをお送りします) の最新号をリリースした。同レポートでは、2026年にはMiniLED搭載FPDの出荷枚数が4000万枚以上に増加すると予測されている。


Appleは1年前にMiniLED技術を搭載したiPad Proを発売、2021年の四半期平均出荷台数は100万台に達した。Appleはまた、Q4’21にMiniLED BLU (バックライトユニット) を搭載した新製品、MacBook Pro (14インチと16インチ) を発売した。M1 CPUの活用により、AppleのMiniLED搭載IT製品はQ4’21に優れた販売実績を上げ、2022年も非常に有望と見られている。


台湾FPDメーカー各社はノートPC向けに、組み込むLEDダイと調光ゾーンの数を減らした新たなMiniLED設計の推進を開始している。この新設計の性能は、最高級モデルの水準には及ばないもののエントリーレベルモデルには十分であり、従来のバックライトよりも優れている。CES 2022で発表されたこの設計の採用を開始したノートPCブランドも複数あり、採用モデルはまもなくリリースされる。


DSCC Releases MiniLED Backlight Technology, Cost and Shipment Report

Flat panel shipments with MiniLED technology will increase to more than 40M units by 2026, according to the latest update of DSCC’s Quarterly MiniLED Backlight Technology, Cost and Shipment Report (一部実データ付きサンプルをお送りします).

MiniLED technology is thriving in the display and optoelectronic industries. An increasing number of industry players, both upstream and downstream, are choosing to ride this train.

One year ago, Apple launched its iPad Pro with MiniLED technology and the average quarterly shipments reached 1M sets in 2021. Apple also launched a new MacBook Pro (14” & 16”) with MiniLED BLU in the fourth quarter of 2021. By leveraging its M1 CPU, Apple’s MiniLED IT products had outstanding sales results in Q4’21, and the forecast for 2022 also looks very promising.

According to the latest update, Apple’s products will dominate MiniLED shipments in the next few years. Apple will start to adopt suppliers from China starting this quarter, which will enable substantial cost reduction of the MiniLED backlight. Cost reduction and vertical integration will drive MiniLED affordability, which will drive higher volumes. Apple may be willing to adopt MiniLEDs into more models.

Taiwan panel makers have started to promote a new MiniLED design embedded with fewer LED dies and dimming zones for notebook applications. The performance of this new design may not be as good as ultra-premium models, but it is good enough for entry level models and better than conventional backlights. Several notebook brands have started to adopt this design released at CES 2022 and these models will release soon.

MiniLED panel shipments across all applications totaled 9.8M panels in 2021 and are forecasted to reach 40.6M panels in 2026. The demand for MiniLED notebooks will be the main driving force while TV also has a significant contribution to growth.

Quarterly MiniLED Backlight Technology, Cost and Shipment Report



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Written by

Leo Liu
