
Published January 16, 2023

先週開催されたNeedham Growth Conferenceにおいて、Universal Display Corporation (UDC) の社長兼CEOであるSteve Abramson氏が同社の青色燐光エミッター開発の進捗状況について発表した。同氏はSamsung Displayとの長期契約に関する最近の発表についても説明し、UDCの2022年収益予想が5.9億ドルから6.1億ドルの範囲であることを改めて認めた。

[最下段] DSCCの Biannual AMOLED Materials Report (一部実データ付きサンプルをお送りします) では、導入期の青色燐光が材料売上高に及ぼす影響を分析しています。DSCCは、青色燐光の導入によってすべてのアプリケーションでOLEDの普及が加速し、2026年末までに従来の青色蛍光発光材料は完全に青色燐光に置き換えられると予測しています。青色燐光は青色蛍光に比べて価格が高く、OLED 業界の成長も継続することから、青色発光材料の出荷額は2022年から2027年の間に3倍以上に増加すると予測しています。

UDC Confirms Milestone on Phosphorescent Blue

※ご参考※ 無料翻訳ツール (DeepL)

In a presentation at the Needham Growth Conference last week, Universal Display Corporation (UDC) President and CEO Steve Abramson confirmed his company’s progress on development of a phosphorescent blue emitter. Abramson also discussed the company’s recent announcement of a long-term agreement with Samsung Display and reaffirmed his company’s 2022 revenue guidance of $600M, plus or minus $10M.

“We believe that the long-term growth path of the OLED industry remains robust, though near-term demand may fluctuate due to uncertainties in the macroeconomy. As we look to 2024, we expect it to be a pivotal year for the OLED industry and for us,” said Abramson. “With respect to blue, our development of a commercial phosphorescent blue emissive system remains on schedule and we met preliminary phosphorescent blue target specifications in 2022. We continue to believe that this excellent progress should enable the introduction of our all-phosphorescent RGB stack into the commercial market in 2024.”

An efficient blue OLED emitter would be a tremendous boost to the whole OLED industry, but especially to the company that develops it. Universal Display Corporation’s red and green emitter materials allow excellent color and lifetime with high efficiency, because phosphorescence allows 100% internal quantum efficiency, whereas the predecessor technology, fluorescence, only allows 25% internal quantum efficiency. A more efficient blue would bring cost and performance benefits to all the various product architectures in the OLED space: mobile RGB OLED, large-area White OLED and QD-OLED.

Estimate of Total Blue Dopant Revenues by Emitter Type

Source: DSCC Biannual AMOLED Materials Report (一部実データ付きサンプルをお送りします)

DSCC’s Biannual AMOLED Materials Report (一部実データ付きサンプルをお送りします) includes an analysis of the impact of phosphorescent blue on material sales revenues for the period of introduction. DSCC expects that the introduction of phosphorescent blue will accelerate the penetration of OLED displays across all applications, and that phosphorescent blue will completely displace the incumbent fluorescent blue emitter materials by the end of 2026. Higher prices for phosphorescent blue compared with fluorescent blue, combined with the continuing growth of the OLED industry, will lead revenues for blue emitter materials to grow more than 3x during the period 2022-2027.

Biannual AMOLED Materials Report



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Written by

Bob O'Brien
