2月12日 (日本時間13日) に開催されるスーパーボウルは、米国における大規模なTV販売シーズンの終わりを告げるものであり、大手ブランドは例年、売上獲得に向けてラストスパートをかける。ブラックフライデーではローエンドの低価格帯モデルが特別価格で提供されるが、対照的に、スーパーボウルの週末にTVを買う人はプレミアムモデルに偏っている。新しく買ったTVを、家族や友人が集まって開くスーパーボウルパーティでお披露目したい人も多いからだ。スーパーボウル開催直前の週末まで待ってTVを買うこともできるが、土日二日間を買い物に費やせるという意味では、イベント開催前の最後の週末となったのが先週末 (4日~5日) で、ブランド各社がお買い得品を提供するときでもある。
Super Bowl TV Deals Bring New All-Time Lows
※ご参考※ 無料翻訳ツール (DeepL)
The Super Bowl, to be held on February 12th, marks the end of the big selling season for TVs in the US, and typically the top brands make a final push for sales. In contrast with Black Friday, where the low-end Opening Price Point models have special deals, the Super Bowl weekend TV shopper skews towards the premium models, because often the intent is to show off the new TV purchase to family and friends with a Super Bowl party. While it’s possible to wait until the final weekend to get a TV, this past weekend (February 4th-5th) marked the last full weekend of shopping before the big game, and brands typically offer good deals.
Two months ago, we included a story on 2022 Black Friday TV deals. With TV panel prices reaching all-time lows in September 2022, Black Friday 2022 saw many new all-time low prices on both low-end and premium TVs. The first table here shows a comparison of Super Bowl prices with last year’s Black Friday for the lowest-priced TV sets at each screen size.
The late-breaking deals are in underlined bold italics. In many cases, Walmart (WM) and Best Buy (BBY) have similar prices, often WM undercuts BBY by $2-$3 so for example prices at $1197 compared to BBY at $1199 but these cases are labeled with both retailers.
With a couple of exceptions, prices across most screen sizes are the same or higher. TCL had very aggressive pricing on Black Friday, with a 55” QLED model for $199 and a 65” TV for $228, and these deals were not repeated.
Our second table here shows price comparisons for some premium sets. By “premium” in this case, this still means the lowest priced set for each combination of brand/screen size/technology. There were several new all-time lows for OLED TVs. Sony dropped the price of its 55” OLED TV below $1000 for the first time, and Walmart offered Samsung’s 65” QD-OLED set for a new low of $1779. Samsung got more aggressive on 8K sets, with 65” and 75” 8K sets setting new lows. For the most part, LG’s OLED TV prices held the line, but Best Buy offered aggressive pricing for LG’s lower tier of 77” OLED TVs.
Since panel prices bottomed out in September 2022 and increased slightly in the fourth quarter, these prices likely will not be repeated before next year’s selling season. Typically, retailers will hold these special prices up to Super Bowl Sunday, so if you’re in the market, this is the right time to buy that big TV.