Galaxy S23シリーズ向け月間FPD出荷枚数 (11月実績-3月予測)
先週の DSCC Weekly Review で取り上げたSamsungのイベント「Galaxy Unpacked 2023」において、S23シリーズが正式に発表された。発売日 (※グローバル版) は2月17日で、2月1日に予約受付が開始された。
S22シリーズ用については、サプライチェーンの問題点がいくつか見られたこと、また発売日が2022年2月25日と遅かったことから、当初は出荷枚数が少なかった。S23シリーズ用の2022年11月から2023年1月までのパネル出荷枚数は、S22シリーズ用の2021年11月から2022年1月までのパネル出荷枚数に比べて37%増となっており、2023年2月は7%増となる見通しだ。3月のS23シリーズ用パネル出荷枚数は、前年同月のS22シリーズ用に比べて3%増が予測されている。これはS22シリーズ用出荷の成長が大きく遅れた結果である。当初5ヵ月間 (3月まで) のS23シリーズ用パネル出荷枚数は、S22シリーズ用に比べて21%増となる見込みである。
[末尾] Quarterly Advanced Smartphone Display Shipment and Technology Report (一部実データ付きサンプルをお送りします) ではDSCCが調査する全てのスマートフォンデータを収録しており、ブランド別、モデル別、また全てのディスプレイ及び非ディスプレイパラメータ別にOLED搭載スマートフォンセット及びスマートフォン用OLEDの出荷枚数データと出荷額データを提示、さらに注目のスマートフォンモデルに関する地域別予測も掲載しています。過去実績及び今年度見通しは四半期ベースで、2027年までの予測は年間ベースで提示します。さらに、スマートフォンに適用可能なOLEDのテクノロジーとイノベーションのトレンドに関するインサイトも提供します。DSCCのデータベースに収録しているAMOLEDスマートフォンの構成は1,100以上にのぼり、基板、TFTバックプレーン、パネルメーカー、リフレッシュレート、チップセットメーカー、5Gネットワークなどの項目によるバリエーションを含んでいます。
DSCC Analysis on S23 Series Monthly Production and Outlook
※ご参考※ 無料翻訳ツール (DeepL)
During the Samsung Unpacked Event, which I covered in last week’s DSCC Weekly Review, the S23 series was officially announced with availability on February 17th and preorders starting on February 1st.
In the following charts, you can see the monthly panel shipments forecasted through March 2023 obtained by DSCC through its supply chain sources where the S22 series in 2021-2022 is compared with the S23 series in 2022-2023. As indicated:
- For the S22 series, volumes were initially lower as a result of some supply chain issues and a later availability date of February 25, 2022. The S23 series panel shipments in November through January 2023 were 37% higher than the S22 series in November through January 2022 and are expected to be 7% higher in February 2023. In March, the S23 series panel shipments are expected to be 3% higher than the S22 series, and that is a result of a much later ramp up for the S22 series. S23 series panel shipments for the first five months (through March) are expected to be 21% higher than the S22 series.
Samsung S23 Series vs. S22 Series Panel Shipments Over the First Five Months
The S23 series panel shipment mix share is a bit different to the S22 series through March with expected increases for the S23 and S23 Ultra. The S23 is expected to have a 35% share versus 33% for the S22, S23+ with 16% versus 21% for the S22+ and the S23 Ultra with 49%, up from 47% for the S22 Ultra.
In comparing the S23 Series vs. the S22 Series through March, we see the following changes in volumes by model:
- S23: Up 30%;
- S23+: down 3%;
- S23 Ultra Up 26%.
The S23 series launch is expected to be a bigger launch as a result of several camera improvements, a custom and faster Qualcomm chipset, better battery life and an identical starting price point for the S22 series. The S23 Ultra also has a new 200MP camera versus the 108MP camera for the S22 Ultra and maintains a starting price of $1199. In the US, Samsung is offering a storage upgrade to 256GB on the S23 and S23+ for the price of 128GB storage and a storage upgrade to 512GB for the price of 256GB storage on the S23 Ultra. In addition, Samsung is offering a $800 - $1000 trade-in bill credit with AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile. DSCC also expects 2023 to be a growth year for flexible OLED smartphones as a result of improved supply chains., the continued easing of COVID-19 lockdowns in China, reductions in inventories and competitive pricing to drive sell through.
S22 Series vs. S23 Series Mix through March 2022 vs. 2023
Readers interested in subscribing to the Quarterly Advanced Smartphone Display Shipment and Technology Report (一部実データ付きサンプルをお送りします) should contact お問い合わせ窓口. This report includes all DSCC’s smartphone data from covering all OLED smartphone and panel shipments by brand, model, all display and major non-display parameters, panel and device revenues, regional forecasts for select models and forecasts by quarter and by year through 2027. In addition, it provides insights into technology and innovation trends in OLED display technology, which is applicable to smartphones. There are over 1,100 AMOLED smartphone configurations in our database including variations by substrate, TFT backplane, panel supplier, refresh rate, chipset supplier, 5G networks and much more.
Quarterly Advanced Smartphone Display Shipment and Technology Report
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