[新着] 中国、政府補助金がTV需要を押し上げる可能性

Published October 14, 2024

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中国政府が経済活性化策の一環として実施する補助金制度が、第4四半期のTV需要を押し上げるものと期待されている。中国国家発展改革委員会 (NDRC) は9月25日、各地域の状況に応じた消費財の買い替え支援に向け、1500億人民元 (214億米ドル) の超長期特別国債資金を地方政府に配分した。




[原文] China Government Subsidy Program May Boost TV Demand

A subsidy program implemented by the Chinese government, part of a wider set of packages to revive the economy, is expected to boost TV demand in the fourth quarter. On September 25th, China’s NDRC (National Development and Reform Commission) issued CNY 150B (US$21.4B) of ultra-long-term special national bond funds to localities to support the implementation of consumer goods trade-in according to local conditions.

Consumers can receive a subsidy discount of 15% to 20% of the sales price for the purchase of eligible refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, air conditioners and eight other types of home appliances. TVs with an efficiency rating of 2 on the government’s five-point scale can receive a 15% subsidy, and TVs with an efficiency rating of 1 (the best rating for energy efficiency) can receive a 20% subsidy.

The Chinese TV market has been weak for years, dragging the worldwide TV market down in recent years. After peaking at 60M units in 2018, TV set shipments in China dropped below 50M in 2020 and below 40M in 2023. DSCC forecasts the Chinese TV market to decline by another 11% in 2024, but with the subsidy in place, we think the market can stabilize at just under 40M.

We expect that the replacement subsidy of TV will boost larger size and premium spec TVs, it is unlikely to improve consumer confidence among lower income consumers. Several reports around the industry suggest that TV makers have been increasing their TV panel purchases to target upcoming promotions such as the “singles day” online promotion on November 11th.

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Written by

Bob O'Brien
