Q2'24のAdvanced (先端技術FPD搭載) TV市場~MiniLED TVがOLED TVを上回る、中国ブランドがシェア拡大
出典調査レポート Quarterly Advanced TV Shipment and Forecast Report の詳細仕様・販売価格・一部実データ付き商品サンプル・WEB無料ご試読は こちらから お問い合わせください。
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- Q2'24のAdvanced TV市場の出荷数は前年比44%増、出荷額は前年比28%増だった。
- MiniLED TVが出荷数と出荷額の両方でOLED TVを上回った。
- Advanced TV市場ではTCLとHisenseがシェアを拡大、XiaomiがSonyを抜いてシェア第5位となった。
Q2'24のAdvanced TV市場では、MiniLED LCD TVの積極的な価格設定とプロモーションによってTCLとHisenseを筆頭とする中国ブランドがシェアを拡大し市場の成長をけん引したことが、DSCCの Quarterly Advanced TV Shipment and Forecast Report 最新版で明らかになった。MiniLED TVの出荷数が初めてOLED TVの出荷数を上回り、MiniLED TVが「スーパープレミアム」カテゴリーで出荷数、出荷額とも50%以上のシェアを獲得した。Samsungは業績が振るわずAdvanced TV市場でシェアを下げた一方、TCLとHisenseがシェアを拡大、Xiaomiはプレミアムセグメントでトップ5入りを果たした。
Q2'24のAdvanced TV出荷数は前年比44%増だった。OLED TV出荷数は前年比21%増、Advanced LCD TV出荷数は前年比52%増となった。 Advanced TV出荷額は前年比28%増で、2022年と2023年の8四半期連続前年割れから2四半期連続の増加となった。OLED TV出荷額は前年比5%増、Advanced LCD TV出荷額は前年比41%増となり、出荷数が増加し製品構成がより豊かになったことで価格下落が克服された形である。
Chinese Brands Gain Share in Advanced TV Market as MiniLED TVs Surpass OLED TV in Q2'24
- Advanced TV shipments increased 44% Y/Y in Q2’24 and revenues increased by 28% Y/Y.
- MiniLED TV shipments surpassed OLED TV in both shipments and revenues.
- TCL and Hisense gained share of Advanced TVs and Xiaomi passed Sony to take the #5 share spot.
With aggressive pricing and promotion of MiniLED LCD TVs, Chinese brands led by TCL and Hisense gained share and drove growth in the Advanced TV market in Q2’24, according to the latest update of DSCC’s Quarterly Advanced TV Shipment and Forecast Report, now available to subscribers. For the first time ever, shipments of MiniLED TVs surpassed shipments of OLED TVs, and MiniLED TVs captured more than 50% share of both units and revenues in the “super premium” category. Samsung fared poorly and lost share in Advanced TVs while TCL and Hisense gained share and Xiaomi emerged to break into the top five in the premium segment.
Advanced TV shipments grew 44% Y/Y in Q2’24. OLED TV shipments increased 21% Y/Y while Advanced LCD TV shipments increased 52% Y/Y. Advanced TV revenues increased by 28% Y/Y, the second consecutive quarter of increases after eight quarters of Y/Y declines in 2022 and 2023. OLED TV revenues increased by 5% Y/Y while Advanced LCD TV revenues increased by 41% Y/Y as the increase in units and a richer mix overcame price declines.
In the brand battle, while Samsung held on to the top spot in both units and revenue, it lost ground while its rivals in China gained. In Q2’24, among all Advanced TV products:
- Samsung’s unit and revenue share declined as units increased only 3% Y/Y and revenues declined 13% Y/Y. Samsung MiniLED shipments decreased 19% Y/Y and Samsung unit share in MiniLED declined to 23%.
- Hisense took the #2 position in units as shipments increased 157% Y/Y, its fifth consecutive quarter of triple digit percent gains, and revenues increased 128% Y/Y.
- LG shipments increased 53% Y/Y, and its unit share increased, but revenue share decreased as LG revenues increased 27% Y/Y.
- TCL remained in the #4 position but gained unit and revenue share as shipments increased 78% Y/Y revenues increased 81% Y/Y. TCL passed Samsung to take the lead in MiniLED TV units and came within 1% of Samsung’s revenue share.
- Xiaomi jumped into the #5 spot as shipments increased 433% Y/Y and revenues increased 713% Y/Y. Xiaomi took the #3 spot in MiniLED units and revenue.
- Sony’s shipments declined 16% Y/Y and revenues fell 29% Y/Y and Sony fell out of the top five in Q2’24.
Total MiniLED TV shipments in Q2’24 increased by 68% Y/Y and revenues increased by 60% Y/Y. OLED TV shipments increased by 21% Y/Y and revenues increased by 5% Y/Y. For the first time ever MiniLED surpassed OLED in both shipments and revenue, as MiniLED captured 54% share in both categories with OLED getting 46%, a flip from a year ago when the numbers were reversed.
TCL pioneered the MiniLED TV category with its first products in 2019, but volumes were initially low. Samsung came in in 2021 and quickly dominated the category, and Samsung held the highest share of MiniLED in every quarter from Q2'21 through Q1'24, but TCL regained the lead in the second quarter with more than 50% Y/Y growth while Samsung MiniLED TV shipments declined.
While the share gains by Chinese brands were partly a result of the surging demand in their home market, TCL and Hisense also gained share in both Western Europe and North America. Hisense’s unit/revenue share in North America increased from 8%/6% in Q2'23 to 26%/19% in Q2'24.
出典調査レポート Quarterly Advanced TV Shipment and Forecast Report の詳細仕様・販売価格・一部実データ付き商品サンプル・WEB無料ご試読は こちらから お問い合わせください。