Q1'24の世界TV出荷数は前年比4%減~Samsungが数量/金額とも首位を維持 [Counterpoint Research Quarterly Global TV Shipments Tracker]

Published May 20, 2024

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• Q1'24の世界TV出荷数は前年比4%減とわずかに減少した
• Samsungが出荷数シェア16%で首位、HisenseとTCLが続いている
• プレミアムTV出荷数は前年比15%増だった
• 70インチ以上の大型TVが前年比28%増と最も高い伸びを示した

Q1'24の世界TV出荷数が前年比4%減となったことが、Counterpoint ResearchがDSCCと共同で発表した最新調査で明らかになった。全地域で低迷が見られ、特に中国と日本の落ち込みが顕著だった。このデータは、Counterpoint Researchがディスプレイ調査専門会社DSCCの買収後に共同執筆したレポート、Quarterly Global TV Shipments Tracker からの引用である。


Global TV Shipments Share Q1 2024

第2位のHisenseと第3位のTCLはそれぞれシェア10%、僅差でHisenseがTCLを上回った。LG ElectronicsはTV市場全体では第4位だが、OLED TV市場ではシェア49%で首位を堅持した。

Counterpoint ResearchのアソシエイトディレクターであるSujeong Limは次のように述べている。「今年第1四半期のTV市場は前年比で減少となったが、昨年下半期に見られた急激な減少に比べれば改善している。プレミアムTVと大型TVの市場は力強い成長を示しており、その上昇トレンドは続いている。Samsung Electronicsがこれらの市場で優位に立っており、最も恩恵を受けると見られる」

Advanced TVの出荷数もQ1'24に前年比15%増と急増した。プレミアム市場はQD、OLED、MiniLED、MicroLEDなど、先進技術FPD搭載TVで構成されている。Advanced TV市場では、MiniLED LCD TVの出荷数が前年比24%増と急成長し、成長をけん引している。

DSCCのリサーチアナリストであるCalvin Leeは「MiniLED LCD TVは今年もハイエンド・プレミアムTV*市場で最も成長率の高い製品の一つになるだろう」とコメントしている。


Advanced TV Shipments Share Q1 2024
[原文] Global TV Shipments Declined 4% Y/Y in Q1’24, Samsung Remains Top Player in Both Units and Revenue

• Global TV shipments declined a slight 4% in Q1’24 compared to the prior year.

• Samsung tops the market with 16% share in shipments, followed by Hisense and TCL.
• Premium TV shipments grew 15% Y/Y.
• Large TVs above 70 inches showed the highest growth rate of 28% Y/Y.

Global TV shipments declined 4% Y/Y in the first quarter of 2024 according to the latest research from Counterpoint Research, in collaboration with DSCC. Weakness was seen in all regions, with declines particularly noticeable in China and Japan. The figures are cited from the Quarterly Global TV Shipments Tracker report, which Counterpoint Research co-authored following its acquisition of display specialist firm DSCC.

Samsung kept its global top spot with 16% market share and was also a top player in most regions as well. It also maintained the top spot in terms of revenue.

Hisense and TCL, each with a 10% market share, took second and third place, respectively, with Hisense exceeding TCL by a narrow margin. LG Electronics ranked 4th in the overall TV market but maintained its solid first place in the OLED TV market with a 49% share.

Associate Director at Counterpoint research Sujeong Lim said, “Although the TV market declined year-on-year in the first quarter of this year, it is an improvement compared to the sharp decline seen in the second half of last year. The upward trend of premium and large-sized TVs continues as we see strong growth in these markets. Samsung Electronics has the upper hand in these markets, so we expect it to benefit the most.”

Shipments of Advanced TVs also surged 15% annually in Q1’24. This premium market comprises advanced products such as QD, OLED, MiniLED and MicroLED TVs. In the advanced TV market, the shipments of MiniLED LCD TVs grew rapidly by 24% Y/Y, driving growth.

Research analyst at DSCC Calvin Lee commented, “MiniLED LCD TVs will continue to be one of the highest growing products within the high-end premium TV market this year.”

Written by

Counterpoint Research
