Ledger、初の曲面OTFT E Ink搭載製品の出荷を開始

Published June 10, 2024

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2年の遅れを経て、Ledgerがついに暗号通貨用のハードウェアウォレット、Staxを出荷する。StaxはAppleのiPodを設計したことで知られるTony Fadell氏との共同開発によるものである。このデバイスは小型の財布とほぼ同じサイズで、有機TFTバックプレーンを用いた曲面E Inkディスプレイを搭載している。

Ledger Starts Shipping First Product with Curved OTFT E Ink Display
※ご参考※ 無料翻訳ツール (Google)

After a two-year delay, Ledger is finally shipping Stax, a hardware wallet for cryptocurrencies. Stax was developed in collaboration with Tony Fadell, who famously designed the Apple iPod. The device is about the same size as a small wallet and features a curved E Ink display with an organic TFT backplane.

In a video posted on YouTube, Fadell explains that he wanted a curved display that would wrap all the way around the edge. Ledger worked with FlexEnable and E Ink to develop the display. In the video, it is implied that this choice of display is what caused the long delay.

The 3.7” monochrome display has a resolution of 400 × 672. According to FlexEnable, it is made with a 9-mask process. Ledger initially claimed it was the first OTFT display ever made but has since deleted these claims.

FlexEnable does not have a fab and licenses its technology. The Plastic Logic fab in Dresden, Germany was closed in October 2018. Another Gen 2.5 fab was established by Ten FLECS in Russia in 2019.

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Written by

Dr. Guillaume Chansin
