出典調査レポート Quarterly OLED Shipment Report の詳細仕様・販売価格・一部実データ付き商品サンプル・WEB無料ご試読は こちらから お問い合わせください。
関連調査レポート Monthly Flagship Smartphone Tracker の詳細仕様・販売価格・一部実データ付き商品サンプル・WEB無料ご試読は こちらから お問い合わせください。
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DSCCが発行した Quarterly OLED Shipment Report の速報版によると、OLED出荷数はQ3’23に前期比18%増、前年比14%増となった後、Q4'23には前期比41%増、前年比31%増の2億9200万枚に達した。DSCCのシニアディレクターであるDavid Naranjoは次のように述べている。「複数の用途で前年比プラス成長が継続しているが、これは2022年から2023年上半期にかけての前年比マイナス成長を経て在庫水準が正常化した結果、2023年下半期に回復が実現したことを示す喜ばしいニュースである。スマートフォン用OLED出荷数は2023年下半期に対上半期比42%増、通年では12%増となった。スマートウォッチ用OLED出荷数は2023年下半期に対上半期比101%増、通年では1%増だった。タブレット用OLED出荷数は2023年下半期に対上半期比58%増、通年では15%増だった。ノートPC用OLED出荷数は2023年下半期に対上半期比64%増、通年では25%減となった。2023年下半期と通年ともにプラス成長を示した用途は他にも複数見られた。その他のカテゴリーと詳細についてはレポートをご参照いただきたい」
Q4’23出荷を主要OLED用途別に見ると、スマートフォン用OLED出荷数は前期比51%増、前年比27%増となっている (Q3’23は前期比12%増、前年比25%増)。ノートPC用OLED出荷数は前期比58%増、前年比36%増だった (Q3’23は前期比20%増、前年比18%減)。同レポートではこの他にも多数のカテゴリーの出荷状況と詳細データを提供している。
OLED Panel Shipments Increased 9% Y/Y in 2023 on 2H’23 Growth for Smartphones, Smartwatches, Tablets and Notebook PCs
As revealed in DSCC’s latest release of the Quarterly OLED Shipment Report – Flash Edition, OLED panel shipments increased 41% Q/Q and 31% Y/Y in Q4’23 to 292M units after increasing 18% Q/Q and 14% Y/Y in Q3’23. According to DSCC Senior Director David Naranjo, “The continued Y/Y growth for several applications is welcomed news that the 2H’23 recovery materialized as a result of inventories normalizing after Y/Y declines in 2022 and in the first half of 2023. In 2H’23, OLED smartphones increased 42% vs. 1H’23 and increased 12% for the year. OLED smartwatches increased 101% vs. 1H’23 and increased 1% for the year. OLED tablets increased 58% vs. 1H’23 and increased 15% for the year. OLED notebook PCs increased 64% vs. 1H’23 and decreased 25% for the year. Several other applications also had 2H’23 and Y/Y growth. More categories and details can be found in the report.”
In Q4’23, by select OLED applications, OLED smartphone panel shipments increased 51% Q/Q and 27% Y/Y after a 12% Q/Q and 25% Y/Y increase in Q3’23 and OLED notebook PC panel shipments increased 58% Q/Q and 36% Y/Y after increasing 20% Q/Q and decreasing 18% Y/Y in Q3’23. More categories and details can be found in the report.
OLED Panel Shipments and Y/Y Growth, Q4’21 – Q4’23
In Q4’23, smartphones remained the largest OLED application with a 79% unit share, up from 74% in Q3’23 as a result of 60% Q/Q growth for flexible OLED smartphones and 46% Q/Q growth for rigid OLED smartphones. In 2023, OLED smartphones had a 79% share, up from 77% in 2022.
For OLED smartphones, Apple had 77% Q/Q unit growth as a result of triple-digit Q/Q increases for the iPhone 14 and iPhone 15 Pro Max and double-digit Q/Q increases for the iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15, iPhone 13 and iPhone 12 Pro Max. Samsung had a 25% Q/Q unit growth as a result of growth for the S24 series, S23 series and A-series models. Several other brands had double-digit Q/Q unit growth as a result of new flagship models being launched in Q4’23 and in Q1’24. In the Monthly Flagship Smartphone Tracker, we show panel shipments for models launched since 2021 with the latest release showing January 2024 actuals and a February – March estimate.
By OLED panel supplier, SDC continues to lead in OLED panel shipments with a 37% overall share, down from 44% in Q3’23, on gains from BOE, China Star, EDO, LGD and Visionox. For SDC, OLED smartphone units were up 26% Q/Q with significant increases from Apple, Samsung and others. For BOE, OLED smartphones were up 57% Q/Q for a 15% overall share, up from 14% in Q3’23, fueled by Apple with triple-digit Q/Q growth for the iPhone 13, iPhone 14 and the start of panel shipments for the iPhone 15. For LGD, OLED smartphones units were up 313% Q/Q for a 13% overall share, up from 10% in Q3’23 as a result triple-digit growth from Apple. The iPhone 15 Pro Max had substantial Q/Q growth and the iPhone 15 Pro had 83% Q/Q growth.
OLED Panel Shipments by Panel Supplier, Q4’21 – Q4’23
DSCC’s long-term forecast for OLED units, revenues, area, panel supplier share, form factor share, brand share, etc., will be available next month.
出典調査レポート Quarterly OLED Shipment Report の詳細仕様・販売価格・一部実データ付き商品サンプル・WEB無料ご試読は こちらから お問い合わせください。
関連調査レポート Monthly Flagship Smartphone Tracker の詳細仕様・販売価格・一部実データ付き商品サンプル・WEB無料ご試読は こちらから お問い合わせください。