

DSCC Releases Flash Edition of Quarterly OLED Shipment Report
David Naranjo, Senior Director

San Diego, CA USA -

DSCC has released the Q3'21 OLED Shipment Report - Flash Edition (一部実データ付きサンプルをお送りします) to subscribers. Starting in Q2’21, we introduced an expedited “flash” deliverable in advance of the full report file. This flash edition analyzes quarterly and annual units through 2022 by application, panel supplier, brand and form factor.

In Q2’21, OLED shipments decreased by 10% Q/Q but saw 36% Y/Y growth. We expect that Q3’21 will increase 26% Q/Q and increase 28% Y/Y due to recent OLED smartphone launches by Samsung and expected launches by Apple and Google. We expect Q4’21 to increase 4% Q/Q and decline 1% Y/Y compared to Q4’20, when Apple launched the iPhone 12 series later than normal.

Smartphones continue to have the largest OLED application, with a share of 77.1% in Q2’21 and 75.1% in Q3’21. In Q2’21, by brand, Samsung had a 23% unit share of OLED smartphone panel procurement, followed by Apple with an 18% unit share.

In Q2’21, by smartphone panel supplier, SDC continued to lead with a unit share of 73.5%. BOE was the #2 supplier with a 6.7% unit share, down from 7.4% in Q1’21. Tianma shipments increased by 25% to a 2% shipment unit share. Tianma had design wins with Xiaomi’s Mi 11 Lite smartphone. EDO’s share increased by 43%, rising from 2.8% in Q1’21 to 4% in Q2’21, as a result of a design win with top Chinese smartphone brands.

Apple is expected to gain share in 2021. In 2021, we expect Apple to account for 28.2% unit share of smartphone OLED panels, followed by Samsung at 23.7%. Xiaomi is expected to grow to 12.6% unit share of smartphone OLED panels in 2021, from 4.5% share in 2020 because of many OLED smartphone launches in 2021. Oppo is expected to be the #3 brand with 11.5% unit share in 2021, followed by Vivo at 7.2%, Huawei at 4.1% and Honor at 3.7%.

AMOLED Shipments and Y/Y Growth for Smartphones, 2018-2022

Source: Q3’21 Quarterly OLED Shipment Report - Flash Edition

AMOLED Smartphone Unit Share by Brand, 2018-2022

Source: Q3’21 Quarterly OLED Shipment Report - Flash Edition

SDC continues to account for the majority unit share of OLED panels shipped for smartphones by supplier. In 2021, we expect Samsung to account for 72.9% unit share based on the increase of OLED panels being supplied by China Star, EDO, LGD, Sharp, Tianma and Visionox. In 2022, we are forecasting BOE, China Star, EDO, Tianma and Visionox to increase their unit share. Leading the way in capturing unit share is China Star with 179% Y/Y growth to 5.3% unit share. As a result, SDC is expected to lose share from 72.9% in 2021 to 62.7% in 2022.

In 2021, by panel supplier for rigid OLED smartphones, we expect SDC to account for 85.2% unit share based on the increase of rigid OLED panels being supplied by EDO, Truly and Visionox. EDO is expected to ramp up rigid capacity and account for 10.4% unit share in 2022 up from 6.9% unit share in 2021. As a result, we are forecasting that SDC will lose rigid OLED share from 85.2% to 78.8% in 2022.

Rigid AMOLED Smartphone Unit Share by Supplier, 2018-2022

Source: Q3’21 Quarterly OLED Shipment Report - Flash Edition

SDC continues to account for the majority unit share of flexible OLED panel suppliers for smartphones. In 2021, we expect SDC to account for 61.8% unit share based on the increased production of flexible OLED panels by China Star, LGD, Sharp and Tianma. In 2022, we are forecasting flexible OLED unit share to increase for BOE to 19.3% from 12.8%, China Star to increase from 3.5% to 9.3% and Tianma to increase unit share to 4.1% from 2.2%. As a result, we are forecasting that SDC will lose share in 2022 for flexible OLED panels and account for 49.7% share, down from 61.8% unit share in 2021.

Flexible AMOLED Smartphone Unit Share by Supplier, 2018-2022

Source: Q3’21 Quarterly OLED Shipment Report - Flash Edition

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